Tagged before I even had anything to blog about. LOL, ah well.
1. Jun Xian
2. Kenny
3. Ridhuan
4. Derick
5. Evelyn
6. Danil
7. Catherine
8. Shobs
The Questions
1)Do you love number 5?
- Yes, my 'sister' who I met from church. =D
2)Does number 3 have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
- Err... if he has, I wouldn't be surprised. But and then again... That's a good question. =D
3)Are you dating anyone on your top?
- Nay
4)how long have you known 8?
- Ooo.. interesting.. how long arh? =D Gosh she'll kill me if i dun remember. Hehe, but of course I do. It's between the two of us. =D
5)where did you meet 7?
- SIC Youth Rally 07'. But I din go for this year's... ;( sorry Cat..
6)have you ever kissed 4?
- What? O___o
7)Have you ever hugged 5?
- Lol... Many times. =D
8)Have you slept over 2’s house?
- No. But yea, we should try that and room-raid him. XD
9)what do you do when you hang out with 6?
- Come to think of it, we've never hang out. ;S Danny, we've got a date man. ;D
10)Does 1 make you laugh?
- Lol, yea. Real nice guy. Friends forever? =)
11)Have you ever talked to 4 on IM?
- yea. Often in fact. =)
12)Do you go to school with number 2?
- Yes. SMK(L) BB. Those were the days lar bro. Haha.
13)Do you know 5’s middle name?
- Gosh .. good question. Evelyn Toh.. wait that's surname... oh crap.. ;S EVIE!!!
14)What is a inside joke between you and 2?
- Err.. What arh?
15)What do you do when you hang out with 7?
- Yea, we makan together on and on at college. =D But can no longer do so... T____T Your SAM finish liao...
16)Would you do anything for 7?
- Yea! Bring her out and jalan jalan for her belated birthday present. Haha
17)Is 3 one of your best friends?
- I would say Good friends. =) We kinda lost contact for a while haven't we. We've got lots to catch up bro.
18)What would you change about 1?
- His beer and Baby Milo tops. LoL. More variety man. Haha
19)Has 8 ever thought you anything?
- ALOT. =) Thanx for the advices , dear.
20)Does number 6 annoy you?
- Sometimes when he doesn't reply to my IMs in time... by the fact that he stays 24/7 online, he's not always around. LOL